Black Plague
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Declaration eyeballed me, and in the same tone of voice she would have used to say, The Black Plague?, she said, “Marbles?”
Descendants of those who survived the Black Plague have genetic mutations that make them more susceptible to certain autoimmune diseases, according to a recent study.
Parsons clarified that rats, which are believed to have helped spread the Black Plague in the 14th century that killed 50 million people, are a public health hazard.
“The Black Plague in Europe was a 20% lethal event and it set society back 250 years,” he said, adding that a Nipah pandemic would “set us back over a millennium in my estimate.”
Historian Barbara Tuchman wrote that in the wake of the Black Plague, survivors found themselves “neither destroyed nor improved,” and we are still in the process of identifying our change through negative definitions.