


[ ber-uh-nahy-see ]


  1. a first name: from a Greek word meaning “bringer of victory.”

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In addition to Beryl, there’s a taxidermist named Vik, who’s dealing with a home intruder and chronic pain, and a girl named Berenice, whose florist mother has suddenly abandoned her.

Peppy Miller (Berenice Béjo) is the admiring ingénue who gets her big break on the soundstage.

He flirts with a female co-star, Peppy (Berenice Bejo), but the real love of his life is his dog.

He set up a portrait studio, and hired Berenice Abbott as his assistant.

"But a rapid journey costs money, and Amru always chooses the road by the mountains and Berenice," observed the treasurer.

Muriel, much to her amazement, had been chosen for Berenice, the heroine.

The government of Berenice soon discovered the truth, and learned that the fugitive had gone in the direction of Rome.

A constellation, so called from the glittering hair of Berenice, daughter of Magas of Cyrene.

Her name is Berenice Blake, which sounds so beautiful to me that I feel sure her mother must have been the one who named her.





bereftBerenice's Hair