- Business and Defense Services Administration.
Example Sentences
A study released this month by BDSA, a Colorado-based company that analyzes cannabis and hemp industry data, noted that the products have carved out “a lucrative niche that sidesteps many of the challenges faced by the regulated cannabis industry.”
According to seasonality data from cannabis data firm BDSA, cannabis retailers see more sales on Thursdays than on Wednesdays and Tuesdays.
There, legal pot made up 57% of sales last year, according to a study by BDSA, an analytics firm whose tracking data have been cited by lawmakers and regulators who have drafted pot-related laws and policies.
According to BDSA, a market research firm in Colorado that specializes in legal cannabis, dollar sales of marijuana beverages were up around 65% from 2020 to 2021 in the 12 states they track.
Cannabis sales in the United States have been booming and are forecast to reach $46 billion by 2026, according to industry research firm BDSA, as states like New York and New Jersey open up.