B complex
B complex
- short for vitamin B complex
B complex
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Example Sentences
Add a couple B complex vitamins to the bath water, turn off the regular lights and turn on a portable black light.
It’s an excellent source of vitamins C and A and is rich in vitamin B complex.
One reason, as he explained in his book The TB12 Method: nutritional supplements galore, including a multivitamin, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, an antioxidant, essential fish oils, protein powder, a probiotic and electrolytes.
The doctor, Amol Patil, had administered a Vitamin B complex injection to an unwell boxer and left needles in the room in contravention of CGF rules, the authority said in a statement on Tuesday.
Nowadays sachets like EmergenC have those B complex plus vit C plus essential minerals that help disappear these sores within a day...