


[ as-fik-see-ey-shuhn ]


  1. a lack of oxygen and excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, caused by impaired respiration or insufficient oxygen in the air; suffocation:

    The cause of death was severe asphyxiation, apparently from smoke inhalation.

  2. the condition of being stifled or suffocated:

    Peripheral countries, faced with economic asphyxiation, are being forced to sell access to their fishing banks for far less than they are worth.

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And we scoop trillions of fish out of the water indiscriminately in large nets who are left to die slowly by asphyxiation.

From Salon

His death certificate said he died of asphyxiation but relatives at his funeral found black marks on his chest.

From BBC

An autopsy found that Tammy Daybell died of asphyxiation, and that her death occurred about a month after Mr. Daybell had increased the amount of coverage in a life insurance policy for her.

Chad Daybell initially told police she was battling an illness and died in her sleep, but an autopsy later determined that she died of asphyxiation.

“This poses a serious entrapment hazard and risk of death by asphyxiation,” the agency said in a statement.



