ammonium thiocyanate
- a colorless, crystalline, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, CH 4 N 2 S, used chiefly as a herbicide and as a fixative in textile printing.
Example Sentences
Free Ammonium sulphide 3.03 Ammonium carbonate 39.16 Ammonium chloride 14.23 Fixed Ammonium thiocyanate 1.80 Ammonium sulphate 0.19 Ammonium thiosulphate 2.80 Ammonium ferrocyanide 0.41 From a scientific point of view, the term “free” is absolutely incorrect, and in using it the fact must be clearly borne in mind that in this case it merely stands for ammonia, which can be liberated on simply boiling the liquor.
If the ammonium thiocyanate is used, the amount is 76.08 grams.
The addition of a solution of potassium or ammonium thiocyanate to one of silver in nitric acid causes a deposition of silver thiocyanate as a white, curdy precipitate.
To prepare the solution for this determination, which should be approximately 0.05 N, dissolve about 5 grams of potassium thiocyanate, or 4 grams of ammonium thiocyanate, in a small amount of water; dilute this solution to 1000 cc. in a liter bottle and mix as usual.