[ al-kan-dree ]
- the wife of Polybus who received Helen and Menelaus on their way home from Troy.
Example Sentences
Through Alcandre's art, we discover, or so we think, exactly what has happened to the fugitive Clindor.
The Illusion Southwark Playhouse, Box office: 020-7407 0234 It certainly starts strangely, with Pridamant, a distressed father, resorting to the cave of a magician, Alcandre, to try to trace the whereabouts of his runaway son.
Ms. Smith brings her been-there-and-loved-it veteran’s aura to the role of the weary sorcerer Alcandre, a Prosperolike figure who works her magic from the Stygian depths of a cave in France.
Take, for example, the "Stanzas to Alcandre on the Return of Oranthe to Fontainebleau," and you will find them as preposterous in sentiment, as pretentious and affected in conception, as any sonnet of Desportes, perhaps more so, but their diction is perfectly simple and graceful, and they are composed in faultless modern French.
She wrote admirably for that age, and was the author of the Histoire des Amours du Grand Alcandre, and of some Court Chronicles, which she published under the patronymic of Dupilaust.