


[ ad-ee ]


  1. a first name, form of Adeline.

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Example Sentences

It’s occupied by Addie’s ex, Dylan, who’s headed to the same place and soon sitting in the sisters’ back seat, along for the ride.

The accuser, who identified herself in court as Addie, told jurors she went to the concert hopes of seeing Aayliah—and was disappointed when she did not headline the concert.

Back outside, Paddy and Addie discuss what happened with the frat boys.

He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Amanda Hesser, and their children, Walker and Addie.

Zack and Addie, unsurprisingly, were thrilled to participate in this refined brand of post-Katrina tribalism.

During the day, Zack and Addie would clear Governor Nicholls Street of trash and felled tree limbs.

Zack and Addie were not alone in enjoying the survivalist life in the post-Katrina French Quarter.

She sank back into the great arm-chair where Addie Tristram had been wont to sit.

She seemed again to see Addie, and neither she nor anybody else could have been hard to Addie.

Cecily was in her room—the room that had been Addie Tristram's.

There was the same blood in Cecily as had run in Addie Tristram's veins.

She threw herself into a chair; she was in Addie Tristram's attitude.




